
World Priest Global Rosary Relay 23 June

Annual Global Rosary Relay

On Friday 23rd June Knock Shrine will be one of many shrine’s all over the world taking part in the Annual World Priest Global Rosary Relay.

The Rosary will be led by Fr Richard Gibbons, P.P., Rector, Knock Shrine at 2.30pm. The Rosary will be streamed live from the Basilica.

The Global Rosary Relay for Priests begins at the stroke of midnight on 23 June (the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus). It will commence in East Asia and begin its journey around the world.  

The Annual Global Rosary for Priests has the full support of the Worldpriest Episcopal Advisor Archbishop Michael Neary, and the Apostolic Blessing of Pope Francis which has added further significance to this remarkable event. Last year history was made when Pope Francis greeted Worldpriest founder Marion Mulhall during a visit to Rome.  

This event is the perfect way for the laity all over the world to recognise the blessings bestowed on all of us by those thousands of priests and to thank Our Lady for the gift of these priests. Every voice added to this chorus of prayer makes a difference to each of our priests in their daily lives.

We look forward to having so many link in with us for this special day of prayer.

For more information please visit or watch the promotional video below.