The newly refurbished Blessed Sacrament is open for exposition daily. The chapel has been carefully upgraded to include a new tabernacle, designed in the Celtic style ...

Newly Refurbished Blessed Sacrament Chapel

Posted on: 20 May 2022

Our annual Mass for students who are awaiting completion of their exams will take place on Saturday 4th June at 7.30pm in the Basilica. Sitting exams ...

Mass for Exams, Saturday 4th June

Posted on: 17 May 2022

All first communion children and their families are invited to a special Mass of celebration on Sunday June 12th at 12 noon in the Basilica. The ...

Mass for First Holy Communicants and their families

Posted on: 17 May 2022

On Thursday 12th May, we welcomed thousands of TY and 5th Year students to Knock Basilica to celebrate Donal Walsh and his Live Life legacy. Sincere ...

Donal Walsh Day at Knock Shrine

Posted on: 12 May 2022

Scripture Summer School at Knock Shrine in association with Tarsus Scripture School   Walking the Synodal Pathway together   Taking place online and in-person at St John's Rest & ...

Scripture Summer School: 16th – 18th June, 2022

Posted on: 12 May 2022

An Evening of Inspiring Irish & Choral Classics       Following their sell-out performance in December 2019, we are delighted to announce the return of the Palestrina Choir for Music for ...

Midsummer Music Concert at Knock Basilica

Posted on: 09 May 2022

The Donal Walsh #LiveLife Foundation will hold their annual day to mark the 9th anniversary of the passing of Donal Walsh at Knock Shrine on Thursday, May ...

Donal Walsh Day, Thursday 12th May

Posted on: 03 May 2022

The Blessing of Expectant Mothers is coming up on Saturday 14th May at 11am in the Basilica. Whether you are becoming a parent for the first ...

Blessing for Expectant Mothers

Posted on: 05 May 2022

The monthly Latin Mass will take place at Knock Shrine on Sunday 12th June 2022. The Monthly Latin Mass in Knock was an initiative of Archbishop Michael Neary and was established by him in ...

Monthly Latin Mass

Posted on: 05 May 2022

The first Friday Mini Vigil will take place on 6th May with Confessions from 8pm-9pm and Vigil in the Parish Church. Vigils will continue to take ...

Friday Evening Vigil: 6th May

Posted on: 04 May 2022