The 43rd Annual All Night Vigil is taking place at Knock Shrine, Co Mayo, on December 7th and 8th. Thousands of faithful from all over the country ...

All Night Vigil for December 7th/8th

Posted on: 11 November 2015

Novena talks

We have updated our Youtube channel with a series of thought-provoking talks from our nine-day National Novena to Our Lady of  Knock, which ran from August ...

Novena talks on Youtube

Posted on: 11 November 2015


The first Sunday of Advent is just a few weeks away (November 29th) and The Bookshop at Knock Shrine now has a lovely selection of ...

Spiritual reading for the Advent season

Posted on: 11 November 2015

The annual Mass and gathering for bereaved parents will take place this year on November 8th. The Mass will be celebrated by Fr Gary Howley in St ...

Annual Mass for bereaved parents

Posted on: 30 October 2015

Knock Calendar 2016

(Photo: The February image in the Knock Shrine Calendar 2016) The 2016 Knock Shrine calendar is now available from The Bookshop.  The theme for this year's calendar is ...

Knock Shrine’s 2016 calendar available now at The Bookshop

Posted on: 30 October 2015

Online prayer

A public mini vigil for the Holy Souls is taking place at Knock Shrine on Friday night, November 6. The annual vigil takes place from 8pm ...

Vigil for the Holy Souls on November 6th

Posted on: 30 October 2015

Mass in Polish

There will be a Mass celebrated in Polish on the first Sunday of each month at Knock Shrine, Co Mayo. The Mass will be celebrated in ...

Mass celebrated in Polish

Posted on: 30 October 2015

Planet Earth

Knock Shrine is holding a day conference with leading thinker and writer in the field of eco-theology, Fr Sean McDonagh SSC, on Saturday, November 14. The ...

Leading eco-theologian to speak in Knock

Posted on: 28 October 2015

Bereavement Support

An afternoon talk on the theme ‘Finding hope after death and loss’ will take place in The Family Centre, Knock Shrine, Co Mayo,  on Sunday, ...

Talk: Finding hope after death and loss

Posted on: 27 October 2015

A new weekly bereavement support group is starting at The Family Centre, at Knock Shrine, Co Mayo, on Wednesday, November 4. The new group will meet ...

Bereavement support group at Knock Shrine

Posted on: 27 October 2015