
In November, we remember in our prayers all of our deceased loved ones who have gone before us.       Here at Knock Shrine, we offer you the ...

Online Altar List: Remembering loved ones this November

Posted on: 05 October 2023

Are you interested in training to become a Prayer Guide? ‘Like a deer that yearns for running streams, so my soul is yearning for you, my ...

Would You Like To Train To Become A Prayer Guide?

Posted on: 04 October 2023

Father Chris Alar, MIC, is the Provincial Superior of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy Province of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception ...

Fr. Chris Alar MIC, Author of ‘Understanding Divine Mercy’ To Visit Knock Shrine on Friday, 6th October

Posted on: 27 September 2023

The Winter schedule of Mass times at Knock Shrine commences on Monday, October 9th 2023     Winter Season Mass Times 2023/2024 Valid from Monday, October 9th 2023         Sunday Mass Times:     9.00am: Parish ...

Winter Season Mass Times Commence Monday 09 October 2023

Posted on: 27 September 2023

This September, we are delighted to welcome the following pilgrimages to Knock Shrine for their annual days at Ireland's International Eucharistic and Marian Shrine:   Saturday, September ...

Upcoming Pilgrimages to Knock Shrine: September 2023

Posted on: 01 September 2023

Padre Pio Seminar – Saturday 16th September 2023   Padre Pio Annual Seminar and Guided Prayer Session: St. John Welcome Centre - 10.00am to 8.00pm   This year we ...

Schedule For Padre Pio Weekend: 16 & 17 September 2023

Posted on: 01 September 2023

Knock Youth Ministry School Retreat Programme 2023/2024     Our school retreat programme recommences in September and runs through until the month of May. During the students' time ...

School Retreats Programme: Recommencing in September

Posted on: 31 August 2023

The next monthly mini vigil takes place in the Parish Church on Friday , September 1st 2023. Confessions will be available in the Chapel of ...

Monthly Mini Vigil Takes Place On Friday, September 1st 2023

Posted on: 24 August 2023

The Knock Shrine Annuals were published by the Knock Shrine Society from 1938 until 2013, finishing with a special edition in 2015 to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Society’s foundation. ...

Historic Knock Shrine Annuals Now Available To View Online

Posted on: 18 August 2023

The National Novena to Our Lady of Knock takes place from August 14th to 22nd 2023.   The National Novena to Our Lady of Knock is the ...

National Novena To Our Lady Of Knock: Prayer Resources

Posted on: 04 August 2023