
The Latin Mass takes place in Knock Parish Church on the second Sunday of each month. Mass for August takes place on Sunday, August 14th ...

Latin Mass at Knock Parish Church: Sunday August 14th 2022

Posted on: 12 August 2022

Feast of the Assumption: Monday, August 15th Mass Times       6am: Parish Church 9am: Parish Church 10.30am: Basilica 12pm: Basilica 3pm: Novena Ceremonies in the Basilica 8pm: Novena Ceremonies in the Basilica

Mass Times For Monday, August 15th : Feast Of The Assumption

Posted on: 12 August 2022

Mass Times at Knock Shrine:  14 - 22 August 2022   Sunday: August 14th and 21st   9am: Parish Church 10.30am: Basilica 12 noon: Basilica 3pm: Novena Ceremonies in the Basilica 8pm: Novena ...

Mass & Confessions Times at Knock Shrine: 14 – 22 August 2022

Posted on: 12 August 2022

The First Friday mini Vigil takes place in Knock Parish Church on Friday, August 5th. Confessions are available in the Chapel of Reconciliation from 8pm ...

First Friday Mini-Vigil Takes Place on August 5th

Posted on: 03 August 2022

2023 Knock Calendar now available   We are delighted to announce that the 2023 Knock Shrine calendar is now available. Featuring inspirational images of Ireland's International Eucharistic ...

Knock Shrine 2023 Calendar Now Available

Posted on: 22 July 2022

“Synod lays down the challenge to invest in faith formation”.   This imperative for adult faith formation was one of the key findings of the national synod, ...

Catechism Studies Pilgrimage

Posted on: 15 July 2022

Family Day will take place in Knock Shrine on August 21st 2022 11am - 3pm   On Sunday, August 21st, 2022, we will host a family day where ...

Family Day at Knock Shrine

Posted on: 14 July 2022

The Monthly Latin Mass will take place in the Parish Church of St John the Baptist at 5.30pm. The Monthly Latin Mass in Knock was an initiative of Archbishop Michael Neary ...

Monthly Latin Mass, Sunday 10th of July

Posted on: 07 July 2022

National Grandparents Pilgrimage: A Celebration of  World Day For Grandparents & The Elderly     Grandparents Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine takes place on Sunday, July 24th 2022   We are ...

Grandparents Pilgrimage On World Day For Grandparents & The Elderly

Posted on: 06 July 2022

We are saddened at Knock Shrine to hear of the passing of Joe Kennedy, honorary President of Ireland West Airport. Fr. Richard Gibbons, PP, Rector of ...

Joe Kennedy, Honorary President, Ireland West Airport Passes Away

Posted on: 23 June 2022