
This Sunday, we will broadcast our online pilgrimage Mass from Knock parish church. The ceremonies will commence with Rosary at 2.30m, followed by Mass at 3pm. ...

Online Pilgrimages For Sunday, July 5th 2020

Posted on: 03 July 2020

We welcome you back to Knock Shrine     The following Mass times and opening hours are effective from Monday, June 29th 2020 to Friday, July 3rd 2020 ...

Knock Shrine re-opens on June 29th 2020

Posted on: 25 June 2020

Vision 2020: Faith into the Future Monday 22 – Friday 26 June 2020   The Scripture Summer School which has been offered at Knock Shrine in recent years will be held ...

Online Scripture Summer School: June 22 – 26 2020

Posted on: 18 June 2020

Rosary Beads

Pray the Rosary, unite with your country from wherever you are located on 19 June and help encircle the world in prayer. For the past number ...

World Priest Global Rosary Relay: June 19th

Posted on: 15 June 2020

Virtual Pilgrimage to Knock (Sat 20th/21st June) ADOREMUS 2020   &  National Eucharistic Congress (In cooperation with The Irish Bishops’ Conference)   Saturday  20th June ( Live stream on www.eucharisticadoration.ie) 14.00    ...

Adoremus 2020 Virtual Pilgrimage: June 20/21

Posted on: 15 June 2020

This Sunday afternoon, we extend a virtual welcome to the Diocese of Down & Connor. Online ceremonies begin with Rosary at 2.30pm Mass and Benediction take place ...

Diocese Of Down & Connor Virtual Pilgrimage

Posted on: 12 June 2020

Zapraszamy naszą polską społeczność w Irlandii, aby dołączyła do nas online w tę niedzielę podczas wirtualnej pielgrzymki do świątyni Knock. Różaniec o godzinie 14.30 Msza ...

Wirtualna pielgrzymka społeczności polskiej

Posted on: 12 June 2020

On Sunday next, June 14th, we celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi -  The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Our Lord, Jesus ...

Celebrating ‘Corpus Christi’ At Home

Posted on: 09 June 2020

“Let us make room in our lives for the word of God. Each day, let us read a verse or two of the Bible. Let ...

Pope Francis: Keep A Bible Close

Posted on: 05 June 2020

This Sunday is Trinity Sunday and we extend a warm virtual welcome to the following pilgrimage groups who were due to visit us here at ...

Trinity Sunday Virtual Pilgrimages

Posted on: 05 June 2020