
‘Connections’: Well-Being Programme, Knock Counselling Centre

‘Connections’ is a positive well-being programme, run by Knock Counselling Centre, for people from all walks of life to come together to share experiences and engage in activities designed to help ease the transition from ‘Lockdown Life’ to a ‘New Norm.’


The course is aimed at people who may have struggled with the isolation, loneliness, anxiety, fear, negativity, or stress of the last 2 years and would like to work on techniques and strategies to help ease back into society, give themselves a positive boost and re-connect with others in a safe, confidential, and non-judgmental setting.


The programme run by Michael McTigue, Counsellor/Facilitator will be informal and interactive and focus on Stress Reduction, Communication Skills, Thought Patterns, Managing Negativity, Positive Action, and Self-Care.


Date and Time: Commencing Tuesday May 10th, from 6pm – 7.30pm, running over a period of 4 weeks

Venue:  Knock Counselling Centre

Cost:  €50 per participant

For further information or to book a place on the course: 

Contact Geraldine on 094 9375032