Please note that this list was updated on 07 March 2025 and is subject to change
The Knock Shrine Annuals were published by the Knock Shrine Society from 1938 until 2013, finishing with a special edition in 2015 to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Society’s foundation. Founded to further the Cause of Knock Shrine, in its third year of existence the Knock Shrine Society began publishing an annual journal, first titled Iris Leabhar Chnuic Mhuire and later becoming the Knock Shrine Annual.
The aim of the Annual was to record all major aspects of Knock Shrine’s history on a yearly basis including programme of ceremonies and devotions, favours attributed to Our Lady of Knock, information for pilgrims and pilgrimage organisers, homilies, prayers, articles and photographs.
The Annual had only three editors across all seventy-seven editions. It was co-edited by Liam and Judy Coyne, founders of the Knock Shrine Society, from 1938 until Liam’s death in 1953. Judy continued as editor until she retired from the role in 1996. For the remaining years of publication, editorial duties were undertaken by Tom Neary, Head Steward of the Knock Shrine Society.
The collection has now been digitised to make it accessible online for devotional and historical research and reading. This project was supported by the Heritage Council in the Community Heritage Grant Scheme 2023.