
The Synod – Have Your Say : A Special Message from Fr. Richard Gibbons


Engaging on the Synod

A unique feature of this year’s Novena will be the ‘Synod Tent’, where members of the public will be invited to learn more about the Synod and what it means for all of us. It will also provide an opportunity for us to listen to what you think Knock Shrine has to offer you and the Church in Ireland at this critical juncture in our history.


Daily sessions will take place in the Synod Tent at 12 noon with a facilitator present each day to provide structure and facilitate questions and group discussion. A drop in facility  is open to the public daily from 10am to 3pm. The tent is located adjacent to Knock Basilica.

Novena Ceremonies will take place at 3pm and 8pm in the Basilica.