
Jim Deeds Day Retreat

Saturday 27th April:             ‘Finding God in the Mess’

In the busyness and messiness of life we can often get the feeling of being disconnected from ourselves and even from God, as if God could only be with us if, and when, we straighten everything out. However, the good news is that God is with us in the mess and we can adopt principles of living that enable us to find God in the mess. To explore this further, join us in Knock for a day of quiet reflection. With guided meditation, time to listen and reflect.Take the opportunity of a one to one conversation with one of our Prayer Guides to gain a deeper awareness of God’s presence with us always.





Author Jim Deeds

Facilitator:  Jim Deeds

Venue: Taizé Room, Prayer Centre

Time: 10.30am to 4pm

Cost €30 (including lunch at Knock House Hotel)


Bookings and enquiries  for all events can be made by contacting the Faith Renewal team:
T: (094) 93 75355