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Introductory Seminar and Workshop
Facilitated by Michael McTigue, Psychotherapist, Knock Counselling Centre
Seminar: Thursday February 9th, 7pm-8.30pm
Workshop: Saturday February 18th, 11am-4pm
Cost: Introductory Seminar €10; Workshop €50
To Book Contact:
T: (094) 93 75032
E: counsellingteam@knockshrine.ie
If you are living with a long-term health condition this programme may be of interest to you.
Commencing on Wednesday 8th February from 2pm-4.30pm at Knock Counselling Centre
Fee: €20
For further information contact:
Jackie Lynott (programme coordinator)
T: (087) 7185615 or (094) 90 34980
E: selfcaretowellness@mayocil.ie