
Padre Pio Weekend: 21 & 22 September 2024

This year’s Annual Padre Pio Pilgrimage to Knock, will take place on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd September 2024





Saturday 21st September 2024

Padre Pio Annual Seminar and Guided Prayer Session

St. John Welcome Centre – 10.00am to 8.00pm


9.00am – St. John Welcome Centre Opens for Pilgrims – Padre Pio Religious Gift
Shop and Information Hub will be available throughout the day, until 9.00pm
that evening. The Padre Pio Shop will be closed during the schedule Guided
Prayer Sessions of the Rosary Experience, during Holy Mass and Holy Hour.



9.00am – 10.15am – Blessings with the Padre Pio Glove by a Capuchin Friar –
During this time, the Centre will be open for people to come and go as they wish,
and to speak with Volunteers and Capuchin Friars from the National Shrine of
St. Pio in Dublin. Gift Shop and Mass Card Stands will be available at this time.



10.15am – 10.30am –Official Opening of Pilgrimage – by Fr. Bryan Shortall,
National Director of the Padre Pio Apostolate in Ireland.



10.30am – 11.15am – Praying the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary with St.
Pio – The Disciple of Our Lady of Sorrows – a Rosary Experience.



This is a 45-minute guided prayer session on the Sorrowful Mysteries of the
Rosary, interspersed with music, reflections and meditations, featuring dialogue
between Jesus and Padre Pio, including excerpts from Padre Pio’s writings. It will
provide a unique insight into the Healing Power of the Rosary, as explained by
Padre Pio through his own personal “journey” with this ancient prayer.
– The Rosary will be followed by the Litany of St. Pio (copies of the Litany
Prayer will be distributed to all attending pilgrims on the day)



11.15am – 12.00 noon – Morning Break

During this time, there will be blessings with the Padre Pio Glove by Capuchin
Friars. The Gift Shop and Mass Card Stands will also be available at this time.



12.00noon – Praying the Angelus, followed by Introductory Talk by Fr. Bryan
Shortall – National Director for the Padre Pio Apostolate in Ireland
Fr. Bryan will also introduce a Guest Speaker at this time too, and this talk will
immediately follow Fr. Bryan’s contribution.



12.30pm – 1.00pm – On The Padre Pio Ministry Abroad
Talk from Visiting Guest – We are delighted to welcome a representative from
the Padre Pio Ministry Abroad to address the Pilgrims on this occasion.



1.00pm – 2.00pm – Break for Lunch

During this time, the Centre will continue
to remain open for people to come and go as they wish, and to speak with
Volunteers and Capuchin Friarsfrom the National Shrine of St. Pio in Dublin. The
Gift Shop and Mass Card Stands will also be available throughout lunchtime.



2.05pm – “Reconciliation Service – Padre Pio – the Saint of the

This is a Guided Prayer Session on the theme: “Come and
Encounter Jesus the Divine Mercy, with our beloved Padre Pio – the Saint of
the Confessional” featuring Music, Spiritual Reflections and Readings from the
Diary of St. Faustina and excerpts from the Letters and Writings of Padre Pio, as
we journey with Jesus and Padre Pio in the Divine Mercy, Padre Pio’s Favourite
Prayer. This guided prayer session is designed to prepare for the Sacrament of
Healing that will be administered during Holy Mass.




3.15pm – Celebration of the Holy Mass of St. Pio of Pietrelcina – with the
Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, concluding at approximately 4.45pm



5.00pm – 6.00pm – Blessings with the Padre Pio Glove by a Capuchin
Friar – During this time, the Centre will be open for people to come and go as
they wish, and to speak with Volunteers and Capuchin Friars from the National
Shrine of St. Pio in Dublin. The Padre Pio Religious Gift Shop and Information
Hub, and Mass Card Stands, will all remain open during this time.



6.00pm – 6.50pm – Break for Evening Tea/Refreshments/Dinner. The Padre Pio
Religious Gift Shop, Information Hub, and Mass Card Stands, will all continue to
remain open during this time.


7.00pm – 8.00pm – Holy Hour

The theme of this year’s Holy Hour is:
“Divine Intimacy”
A Personal Encounter with Jesus through dialogue with Padre Pio
– (This is a Guided Prayer Session) – held in the presence of the Blessed
Sacrament exposed, with words and reflections from Padre Pio on his deeply
personal encounter and dialogue with Our Lord Jesus Christ throughout this
humble Friar’s life in San Giovanni Rotondo.

During this Holy Hour, and in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament exposed,
we will enter into a period of divine intimacy with Jesus through his encounter
with Padre Pio, in a prayerful setting aided by the spiritual and sacred music that
will intersperse the hour. We will come to experience at first hand the “identity
of Jesus” and that of His Mother Mary, through the fifty years of faithful
discipleship of Padre Pio, our modern-day Simon of Cyrene, and will grow to
better understand and experience the healing power of the Divine Physician in
Padre Pio’s own words, as dictated to him throughout his life-long journey with
This year’s Holy Hour is a conclusion of the day-long themed guided prayer
sessions on the Healing Power of Padre Pio’s Ministry.
The Prayer Session will conclude with a procession of the Blessed Sacrament
thorough the people, followed by a Blessing with the Blessed Sacrament.



8.00pm – 8.10pm – Pilgrimage Ceremonies close for the evening.

We will conclude with Night Prayer to Padre Pio – by a Capuchin Friar



8.10pm – 9.00pm – The Padre Pio Religious Gift shop and Information Hub will
remain open until 9.00pm, and during this time a Capuchin Friar will be on hand
to assist with requests for Blessings with the Padre Pio Glove



9.00pm – St. John’s Welcome Centre closes





Schedule for Sunday 22nd September 2024

Padre Pio Annual Pilgrimage Programme


10.00am to 6.00pm

10.00am – 6.00pm – Padre Pio Religious Gift Shop
– Located in the Annex Room off St. John’s Welcome Centre.

The Padre Pio Religious Gift Shop will be available throughout the day, from 10.00am until
6.00pm. For the convenience of Pilgrims attending for the day, we will remain
open whilst the Holy Mass takes place in the Basilica on Sunday afternoon.

Blessings with the Padre Pio Glove will also take place in this location between
the hours of 10.00am and 1.00pm by visiting and resident Capuchin Friars.

Blessings will also be available after the Pilgrimage Mass.
Due to preparation for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and Holy Mass
in the Basilica at 2.30pm, the Capuchin Friars will not be available for Blessing
with the Padre Pio Glove after 1.00pm.






2.00pm – Rosary – at Knock Basilica
2.30pm – Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick at Knock Basilica
3.00pm – Concelebrated Pilgrimage Mass, and the Eucharistic Blessing of the
Sick with Benediction at Knock Basilica followed by the Rosary Procession in
the grounds of Knock Shrine (weather permitting).


Principal Celebrant:  Archbishop Francis Duffy, Archdiocese of Tuam

Assisted by Fr. Bryan Shortall, National Director of the Padre Pio Apostolate in Ireland


Evening concludes at approximately 6.00pm with the Pilgrimage Closing
Ceremony & Final Blessing by the National Director of the Padre Pio Apostolate.