Prayer & Devotion
Seven Voices of Sorrow: Lenten Prayer Series
€9.99 -
The Secret of Happiness
€6.00 -
The Resurrection, Did it really happen and why does that matter?
€10.00 -
My Life With Padre Pio: Fr. Alessio Parente OFM In Conversation With Fr. Jack McArdle (Audio CD)
€11.95 -
Have A Good Day – A Thought For Each Day Of The Year
€7.95 -
Finding Your Hidden Treasure: The Way Of Silent Prayer
€16.20 -
According To Your Word – Praying The Mysteries Of The Rosary Through The Word & Art
€9.50 -
Every Day With Saint Joseph
€19.55 -
Devotion To The Precious Blood
€5.75 -
St. Michael The Archangel Prayer Book
€5.95 -
Green Star Crib Christmas Tree Ornament
€12.50 -
Pieta, My God How I Love Thee! St Theresa of the Child Jesus