Mass Enrolment

St. Patrick’s Day Blessings With Historic Knock Banner


This beautiful Mass enrolment card features the handmade embroidered St. Patrick banner, which is on display at Knock Museum. The  historic  banner was presented to Knock Shrine by the first organised pilgrimage to Knock Shrine in 1880 by the members of the Confraternity of the Holy Family connected with the Redemptorist Church, Limerick City.


On the inside of the card is the story of Knock and a space for the name of the person to be enrolled in Knock Shrine Friends’ Association. The reverse of the card features a short prayer to St. Patrick.

Simply add the name of the person that you wish to be prayed for in the box below.

Please note that the ‘Requested By’ space will be left blank if the card is being sent to your postal address. If it is being posted directly to the recipient, the card will be signed at Knock Shrine on behalf of the person requesting the card, unless you specify otherwise in the field provided on the delivery details page.


Card Dimensions

Width: 11.5 cm
Height: 18.4 cm


Please pray for (required)Max. 120 characters€5 
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This beautiful Mass enrolment card features the handmade embroidered St. Patrick banner, which is on display at Knock Museum. The  historic  banner was presented to Knock Shrine by the first organised pilgrimage to Knock Shrine in 1880 by the members of the Confraternity of the Holy Family connected with the Redemptorist Church, Limerick City.


On the inside of the card is the story of Knock and a space for the name of the person to be enrolled in Knock Shrine Friends’ Association. The reverse of the card features a short prayer to St. Patrick.

Simply add the name of the person that you wish to be prayed for in the box below.

Please note that the ‘Requested By’ space will be left blank if the card is being sent to your postal address. If it is being posted directly to the recipient, the card will be signed at Knock Shrine on behalf of the person requesting the card, unless you specify otherwise in the field provided on the delivery details page.


Card Dimensions

Width: 11.5 cm
Height: 18.4 cm


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