Mass Enrolment

Thinking of You

The beautiful, contemporary Mass enrolment is perfect for any occasion for a loved one, family member or friend.

The front shows the Apparition Chapel at Knock Shrine with the statues of Our Lady, St Joseph, St John the Evangelist with the Lamb and Cross. This scene perfectly describes the Apparition scene as it was witnessed by the fifteen witnesses on 21st August 1879.

On the back is the Prayer to Our Lady of Knock and the new Pilgrim Statue which was blessed by Pope Francis for the 140th anniversary of the Apparition. The Story of Knock is described on the interior.

There is space for the name of person being prayed for, as well as the person who has requested the enrolment.

Simply add the name of the person that you wish to be prayed for in the box below.

Please note that the ‘Requested By’ space will be left blank if it is being sent to your postal address. If it is being posted directly to the recipient, it will be signed at Knock Shrine on behalf of the person requesting the enrolment, unless you specify otherwise in the ‘add a note’ field provided on the delivery details page.



Width: 11.5 cm
Height: 18.4 cm

Please pray for (required)Max. 120 characters€5 
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The beautiful, contemporary Mass enrolment is perfect for any occasion for a loved one, family member or friend.

The front shows the Apparition Chapel at Knock Shrine with the statues of Our Lady, St Joseph, St John the Evangelist with the Lamb and Cross. This scene perfectly describes the Apparition scene as it was witnessed by the fifteen witnesses on 21st August 1879.

On the back is the Prayer to Our Lady of Knock and the new Pilgrim Statue which was blessed by Pope Francis for the 140th anniversary of the Apparition. The Story of Knock is described on the interior.

There is space for the name of person being prayed for, as well as the person who has requested the enrolment.

Simply add the name of the person that you wish to be prayed for in the box below.

Please note that the ‘Requested By’ space will be left blank if it is being sent to your postal address. If it is being posted directly to the recipient, it will be signed at Knock Shrine on behalf of the person requesting the enrolment, unless you specify otherwise in the ‘add a note’ field provided on the delivery details page.



Width: 11.5 cm
Height: 18.4 cm