
Scripture Summer School: 27 – 29 June

Scripture Summer School at Knock Shrine
With Dr Kieran J. O’Mahony OSA, Tarsus Scripture School


Theme: “And God saw that it was good.”
Genesis: A biblical reflection on care for the earth

Tues 27 – Thurs 29th June

Daily schedule:

10am Lecture 1

12 md Celebration of Eucharist

2.30pm Lecture 2

4.30pm Lectio Divina


Anxiety about the environment is part of our we live nowadays and we are rightly exercised by it. What resources have we, as believers, to respond? In this short programme, we use as a guide the teaching of Pope Francis in his ground-breaking letter Laudato Si‘. The particular focus of the programme will be on a passages from the bible which have direct relevance today.


Lecture 1: Patterns of Goodness and Beauty (Genesis 1:-2:4)

Lecture 2: Praying the gift of creation (Psalm 104)

Lecture 3: The fingerprint of God (Job 28; Proverbs 1, 8 and 9; Sirach 24; Wisdom 7:7-9:18)

Lecture 4: Let the last word be: He is the All (Sirach 42:15-43:33)

Lecture 5: In the beginning was the Word (John 1:1-18)

Lecture 6: All things came into being through him (Ephesians 1:3-14; Colossians 1:15-23)